A trademark registration is that the name of one’s image or might be a service mark. Prior to talking about the benefits, we need to realize what is trademark and its attributes. This incorporates any word, any name, any image Read More

A trademark registration is that the name of one’s image or might be a service mark. Prior to talking about the benefits, we need to realize what is trademark and its attributes. This incorporates any word, any name, any image Read More
A trademark registration is a word, expression, plan or mark, or mix thereof, that recognizes the wellspring of the merchandise of one party and recognizes those products from the products of others. A help mark recognizes and recognizes the wellspring Read More
Trademark renewal procedure India has essentially improving the working of its IP office by taking advanced activities to diminish the overabundance of uses that has been a reason for worry for rights holders. Regardless of this, an enormous Read More